Welcome to Health Interrupted hosted by Celebrity Personal Trainer, Gina Lombardi, and Former Miss America, Laura Kaeppeler.
Today we have the pleasure of talking to Todd Sylvester. Todd currently serves as a Mentor & Personal-Development Coach for those looking to get more out of life, and he also works at, what he calls the best University on the Planet, Wasatch Recovery Treatment Center as a Belief System Counselor.
In 1989 he founded the non-profit, anti-drug entity Sly Dog “Drug-Free That’s Me, which features a sought-after education program for elementary schools. This program has encouraged over 250 thousand school-age students, emphasizing principles of positive self-talk, personal commitment, goal setting, and character building.
Todd spent his youth addicted to drugs and alcohol. Through his own recovery and newfound awareness, Todd learned that more powerful than any addiction was the power of the human soul. Over the past 32 years, Todd has discovered and taught universal principles that have empowered thousands to conquer addiction, crush compulsive behaviors and change their limiting belief systems.
Todd’s story was recently told through a popular YouTube clip that received over 6 million views and has been translated into 3 languages. Todd has conducted over 1,200 speaking engagements and close to 17,000 individual coaching sessions.
Todd is an author of the popular eBook “It’s Time to Start Living” available on Amazon. He also produces a popular Podcast on iTunes that he actually calls a Beliefcast that is geared toward the power of our beliefs.
Todd’s Story was also featured in Best Selling Author Simon Sinek’s new book, “Find Your Why,” that has now sold over 100,000 copies.
Today, Todd uses his firsthand fight against addiction to give hope to thousands of teenagers, young adults, parents and connects with them on an authentic level.
Todd has been married to his sweetheart for 29 years. They have four children and live a happy, busy life together.